- 放松身心,释放压力
- 反思觉察,获得洞见
- 把握能量,成为主人
- 改善个性,再造真我
- 了结过去,体验当下,创造未来
- 情感交流,深入共鸣
- 感知、辨别、理解、赋能
- 超越时空,为世界服务
Why do you meditate and are you ready for it?
Many friends ask me about meditation, and there are lots of meditation methods. Only when we know our purpose and what we want to achieve, do we then know how and what to do in meditation. I would do many things in my meditation, from empty everything to feeling transformed and fulfilled in every way. So why do you meditate?
Meditation is becoming aware of the subtlest energy and exercise spiritual muscles, powers and energy to reach the mastery of self. It is not enough at all to understand. It needs continuous practices and only then you will attain and be sustained. So, are you ready?
明亮的 点燃照亮
在光里 生命新生